
Everyone knows TripAdvisor as the place to go for travel reviews. But they also have an incredible online publication section, where they share some of the coolest tips from the world’s travel writers and experts.

brightly colored citrus fruit halves on wooden cutting board

I’m a big fan of quirky listicles. I have running lists of unique things to do grouped in equally unique ways. When I coincidentally come across a great addition to one of my lists, I’ll add it. And when my list is long enough, I’ll turn it into an article (or just use it for my own travel adventures).

Plus, these quirky listicles give readers useful information in a fun way. After all, searching for the best Airbnbs in Idaho is one thing, but finding about the giant potato-shaped vacation home through an article titled “5 Incredible Food-Themed Vacation Rentals in the U.S.” on TripAdvisor is another.

And that quirky Airbnb listicle is just the start of the work I’ve done for TripAdvisor! Here’s a list of the other pieces I’ve written for this fun travel publication:

6 Pink-Colored Places to Visit in the U.S.

6 European-Inspired Towns to Visit in the U.S.

Where to Find the Best Pastries in Lisbon

5 Perfect Days in Honolulu

How to Drive Around Oahu


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